Having designed for a lot of Ottawa condominium buyers lately, we have noticed certain aspects of the interior design that developers seem to overlook. Here are our top 3 tips you should review and consider when buying a brand new condominium :
1] Lighting. Please, please, please review what the developer is offering. We have noticed that all-too-often only the minimum lighting is installed. For example, bedrooms often come with no lighting....not even a junction box to add a fixture later. Make sure you have enough recessed lighting in hall ways, the bathrooms, kitchen and living room so that you can perform required tasks in these rooms such as make up application, food prep and reading.
Great examples of living room (don't forget about your artwork! ) and bathroom lighting.
How fabulous and easy it would be to do something like this :
October's Top 3 Tips : How to Retrofit your Pre-Loved Condominium