Are you a homebody who likes relaxing & watching tv or are you a social butterfly, preferring to entertain friends & family? Style, furnishings and material choices come after your space planning is defined. Your home should reflect your lifestyle and be designed for maximum use by you!
#2 Don't be afraid of colour!
Colour is a inexpensive way to bring energy and excitement to any room, transforming the mood instantly.
-If you don’t want to paint an entire room in a dramatic colour create a focal point in your room with an accent wall.
-When choosing a colour just be mindful of picking up a colour that already exists in the room in a piece of furniture, a fabric or artwork.
#3 Layer your lighting
Each room in your home should have 2 or idealing 3 layers of light.
1. Overall/Ambient: General illumination that comes from all directions in a room
2. Task: Lighting focused on a specific area to make the completion of visual tasks easier.
3. Accent: Lighting that emphasizes an area of or an object in a room. This lighting adds to the drama or style of a room by highlighting certain aspects of a room's decor.
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